Category News

E-shop management

eshop manager training

If you are looking to get some experience in the management of your online shop, the E-Shop Consultants are here to help you. Before we talk about eshop manager training though, it would be useful to clarify exactly what an employee who manages an eshop should do.

E-shop development with subsidy

e-shop development with subsidy

More and more entrepreneurs are looking for a way out in subsidized eshop development. Of course, the eshop subsidy is an important financial support for small and medium-sized businesses, but certainly the investment should be made in a way that is beneficial for the company.

Why you should consider an eshop audit?

Your eshop is the image of every online business and that is why it has to work like a clock.How sure could you be that everything on your e-shop functions the way you want? Nowadays you shoulnd not allow amateurism and sloppiness. Also, don't even allow for "human errors".